Felony Court Bureau
The Felony Court Bureau employs the most experienced litigators in the Legal Aid Society of Suffolk County. They handle felonies, the most serious criminal charges, indicted by a Suffolk County Grand Jury. An attorney and investigator will confer with clients and pursue defenses at all levels of the judicial process, including motion practice, hearing, and if the case is not resolved, ultimately trial... READ MORE
District Court Bureau
The District Court Bureau is committed to the zealous defense of those charged with violation level offenses, infractions, misdemeanors, and pre-indictment felonies in the First District Court of Suffolk County and the surrounding town and village courts. ... READ MORE
East End Bureau
The East End Bureau of the Legal Aid Society is responsible for the representation of individuals charged with felonies, misdemeanors or other offenses before the Justice Courts of the five townships and six villages of eastern Suffolk County.... READ MORE
Appeals Bureau
Since the founding of the Appeals Bureau of the Legal Aid Society of Suffolk County, its attorneys have distinguished themselves in the community of criminal appellate practitioners. This reputation is well-deserved as the attorneys of the Appeals Bureau have successfully argued many high profile cases before the Appellate Term. Appellate Division and the court of highest jurisdiction in the State of New York, the court of Appeals.... READ MORE
Pre-Indictment Felony Bureau
The Pre-Indictment Felony Bureau is responsible for handling all aspects of felony complaints filed in first district court. The attorneys in the bureau represent clients charged with felony crimes prior to the case being presented to the grand jury. They handle the arraignment, initial screening and review of felony arrests.... READ MORE