1) NYS Unified Court System- http://www.nycourts.gov
2) NYS Department of Motor Vehicles- https://dmv.ny.gov
3) Nassau Suffolk Law Services- http://nslawservices.org
4) Prisoners Legal Services- http://www.plsny.org
5) Legal Services Corporation- http://www.lsc.gov
6) ACLU- http://www.aclu.org
7) Suffolk County Bar Association- http://www.scba.org
8) Suffolk County 18b- http://www.suffolk18b.org
9) NYSDA Immigrant Defense Project- http://www.nysda.org/?page=ImmDef
10) Touro Law School Clinics- http://www.tourolaw.edu/academics/clinics
11) Hofstra Law School Clinics- http://www.law.hofstra.edu/clinics
12) Make the Road- http://www.maketheroad.org